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Maleny Neighbourhood Centre (MNC) works to reduce hardship in our local area
and is committed to supporting community.

Hardship is a national issue whether locally or around Australia including Queensland.

More Australians are classified as being homeless than ever before, according to new data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Homelessness included those who were living in severely crowded dwellings – where a home would require four extra bedrooms to fit its occupants – as well as those living in tents, improvised dwellings or sleeping on the street.

MNC provides food for an average of 35 adults and 28 children, costing around $1,000 a month.

All donations above $2 are fully tax deductible.

Maleny Neighbourhood Centre is a community based not for profit organisation, whose activities are partially resourced and supported by Queensland Department of Communities, Disabilities Services and Seniors; and Sunshine Coast Council. This position allows the Centre to respond to local needs dynamically and unrestricted by funding criteria. The remainder of the funds come from room hire, membership, fundraising and donations. This is where community support is very important. We believe that good health is about give and take and MNC aims to be the kind of organisation that you are happy to support, so while you are busy, MNC can help the people that need help.

Payment can be made by Paypal/credit card, or by bank transfer and your name as reference.

Maleny Neighbourhood Centre

BSB: 654000

ACC: 40058518

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If this is on behalf of an organisation.
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Please provide your preferred phone number
*Amount ($AUD)
*How would you like your donation to be directed:


Maleny Neighbourhood Centre acknowledges the traditional custodians, present, past and future, of the land where we live and work.

MNC is funded in part by the Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy, and Sunshine Coast Council.

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